Thank you for your vote of confidence in me to lead MAMCOAANA this year as your president and host for our next convention coming up in July 2024.
We are recovering from the pandemic as it had led to cancellations of our annual conventions for 2020 and 2021. Subsequently the 2022 convention was hosted by Dr.Rajesh Malik and Dr. Pooja Malik in Atlantic City, New Jersey and then Drs Ashish and Monica Dua in Pittsburgh in 2023. The evening, dinners and dancing was very enjoyable in each of these meetings: We all will remember the river cruise and the lovely music in downtown Pittsburgh. The CME lectures, as always, were lively and thought-provoking.
I myself, owe a lot to this organization and its members. From interviewing for residency positions, traveling to different hospitals and staying with them, I am indebted to my friends from MAMC . Even professionally as a Nephrologist it has been very satisfying to stay connected with MAMC colleagues.
Friends, the Harvard study on health and aging states that “Good genes are nice, but joy is better”. We know that strong friendships, and relationships are crucial for good health and life. At MAMCOAANA we are a family and not
only do we have a shared Alma mater, but we have a shared cultural heritage, and a strong sense of belonging.
Many years ago I had attended the MAMCOAANA convention after becoming a lifetime member. Every time I attend, I feel reconnecting to my roots. The DNA gets rejuvenated and I find the meeting very uplifting. Every MAMCOAANA convention is just pure pleasure to attend.
Therefore, it is very important to take a few days off for the meeting to recharge and go back healthier and stronger to take care of our families and patients. Indeed, it is remarkable how many of us are doing amazing things. From leading institutions, departments and training residency and fellowship programs to running successful practices and companies while helping so many communities and human beings get healthier as well as helping their families.
It is heartening to see, MAMC graduates staying connected with each other through the various vigorous WhatsApp groups. The annual convention is a culmination of everybody’s efforts to stay connected. I would urge
everyone to make every effort to attend the 2024 annual convention.
I want MAMCOAANA to be a thriving organization which would exist in perpetuity.
One of the initiatives I would like to increase the social media outreach of the MAMCOAANA. This is crucial as we need to engage with MAMC graduates within the last 20 years. While we do have social media handles it would be wonderful to have our savvy younger colleagues come forward to take charge of our social media presence for their like minded generation.
We would also like to continue our philanthropic efforts to help our Alma mater MAMC and its graduates who are coming to North America as they are the future of this organization.
Additional details regarding the 38th annual convention for August 2024 in Philadelphia/Wilmington are on our Annual Meeting page. Please save the date for August 8-10 and apply for your vacation. Our strength is in numbers and we hope to see everybody there. Also, graduates of LHMC and UCMS are welcome to attend. Please spread the word.
Best wishes,
Manish Garg, MD, FASN, FACP